Leadership Coaching For

C-Suite Executives, High and Mid-Level Managers, & Organization Leaders.

Helping leaders make positive impacts in their companies or organizations.

Leadership coaching focuses on making positive progress of leaders in leadership roles that directly impact the company or organization and those they lead. Unlike Executive Coaching, Leadership Coaching helps C-suite executives, high-level and mid level managers, and organization leaders improve their effectiveness and overcome the challenges that arise in  their positions. 

The approach toward leadership coaching provides leaders with individual attention, support, and feedback to help them make continuous improvements and adjustments through consistent feedback. Our Leadership Coaching program helps high capacity leaders achieve results through developing critical leadership skills and improving teamwork dynamics to prepare them for future executive roles.

Leadership Coaching also provides opportunities for professional and personal development. For example, many C-suite executives frequently experience struggling with low confidence and employee collaboration. The typical response to this situation is for these executives to internalize the problem and attempt to solve the issues on their own with little to no help from others. 

Unfortunately, these are ineffective approaches to the problem as they don’t address the underlining problem. In time, most leaders burn out and fall out. Leadership Coaching is the only solution for sustainable success.

Benefits of Leadership Coaching for a company or organization

According to a 2009 International Coach Federation Global Coaching Study, the benefits of coaching are many; 80% of people who receive coaching report increased self-confidence, and over 70% benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills. 86% of companies report that they recouped their investment in coaching and more. Furthermore, a similar study by the ICF said that the median company return was reported to be 700%. Almost one-fifth of respondents reported an ROI of at least 50 times (5000%) the initial investment.

Other Benefits Include:

  • Develop a deeper understanding of stakeholder perceptions
  • Developing self-awareness around strengths and potential blind spots
  • Learn how to shift mindsets/habits for more significant strategic and business impact
  • Master communication methods with different business audiences
  • Increase company sales / meet organizational goals
  • Increase new account acquisitions
  • Decreased costs and staff turnovers
  • Improved productivity
  • Reduce customer/employee complaints

Evidence-based research on the effectiveness of Leadership Coaching

According to an article by the Institute of Coaching (McLean – Affiliate of Harvard Medical School), in the past few years a number of studies have  been conducted that clearly demonstrate the value, efficacy, and impact of coaching in a number of contexts. For more information, please see the following articles on the specific benefits of leadership coaching, health and wellness coaching.

How it works

Like our Executive and Career Coaching programs, our Led to Lead® Leadership Coaching program focuses on the individual leader’s needs, support, and feedback aimed at helping to improve their current levels of performance. Leadership Coaching begins with an initial audit of the leader to identify strengths and opportunities for development. This first step provides a leader and stakeholder team with the feedback necessary to establish progress benchmarks and goals. The audit offers leaders insights into where they excel and where they can improve. Typically, this process helps reinforce positive performance and contributions while also revealing areas needed for improvement. The goal is for the leader and stakeholders involved to set the goals and objectives for those areas of improvement and for the coach to help them discover how to be successful. All coaching sessions focus on progressive steps forward and accountability for leader action items the leader sets for themselves. Below are the available coaching format sessions available:

Led to Lead® Jumpstart Leadership Coaching Program

Need help getting unstuck in your leadership role? Looking for insight on how to navigate a challenge you can’t seem to overcome or need to improve? Do you feel in over your head or at the edge of burnout? Two 55-minute intensive coaching session per month may be just what you need for derailing blindspots and creating awareness resulting in successful breakthroughs.

Two 55-Minute Sessions

Monthly Leadership Coaching Plan
  • Two 55-Minute Coaching Sessions
  • In-person / Virtual Kick-Off Meeting*
  • Leadership Assessment (DiSC) and Debrief
  • Myers-Briggs Personality Evaluation and Debrief
  • Establishing Specific and Measurable Goals
  • Quarterly Dinner/ Led to Lead® Workshop Series
  • Unlimited e-mail support
  • 3-Month Feedback Session

Led to Lead® Accelerate Leadership Coaching Program

This option is for those seeking to dig deeper and accelerate progress over multiple challenges to develop and increase their leadership skills within less time. Like the Jumpstart plan, the Accelerate program includes the same benefits but provides two additional 55-minute sessions, and additional resources and exclusive events to equip you for success. 

Four 55-Minute Sessions

Monthly Leadership Coaching Plan
  • Four 55-Minute Coaching Sessions
  • In-person / Virtual Kick-Off Meeting*
  • Leadership Assessment (DiSC) and Debrief
  • Myers-Briggs Personality Evaluation and Debrief
  • Establishing Specific and Measurable Goals
  • Quarterly Dinner/ Led to Lead® Workshop Series
  • Unlimited e-mail support
  • 3-Month Feedback Session
  • Led to Lead® Monthly Membership
  • Led to Lead® Member Resources

Success Stories


Not sure if Leadership Coaching is for you? Sign-up for a discovery call.

No strings attached. Sign-Up for a 30-minute discovery call and decide for yourself. Fill out the form below to set up a time and get more info. Limited Availability.